Why choose our services
PROSPECT has helped the World's finest global corporations hire in India and the finest Indian corporations hire globally. It is amongst the first few firms to offer the reliability and focus of retained Search to the Indian Client. The approach to business is based on the philosophy that all long-term relationships are a result of little acts of authenticity from day to day.
Almost all of Prospect's clients have these in common:
- They all have a common belief that the right hire is the most critical precursor to good business.
- They respect their Search partner.
- They are very high on closure and extremely high on ownership of the process.
- They know when to take over the process and never mistake their role for that of the Search Company.
- They tend to place the highest level of person possible on the job of hiring and manage to create an enabling environment of buy in.
- They define their need clearly and work with very clear cut time frames.
- CEO/Director Searches to either head a business, start it up, or replace a non-performing top manager.
- Functional Head Searches in which the Client brief is very clear-find us the best/most appropriate person for this function, in the land.
- Turnkey searches in which the Client's brief is to help them set up the entire Leadership Team over a pre-decided time line.
- Key Management Intervention. Where the client asks the search firm to work on a totally classified assignment, either to do with starting a new business, an emerging new strategy or a necessary new expertise.
PROSPECT has also occasionally intervened at mid levels within organization to help them hire and create strategically.

Each assignment is unique and every organization has its own special needs. PROSPECT specializes in customizing the search to meet these needs. The Search starts with a thorough attempt to gain a complete understanding of the Client company, the structure, the job, the responsibilities, the compensation as well as educational, professional and the personal qualities required of the position. A detailed position description is then drawn up for the Client's approval.
PROSPECT conducts thorough and systematic research, to first identify the target companies and then most suitable professionals within these companies. After the research and before the search, the Client is given a list of the target companies and the prospective contenders. The potential candidates are identified and approached confidentially and discreetly. PROSPECT meets with each contender to assess his/her relevance to the position. - PRESENTATION
Based on the interviews, a detailed report is prepared and presented to the Client. Each contender is evaluated and assessed on the basis of his/her qualification, experience, personality and inter-personal skills. The report is discussed in-depth with the Client at the time of presentation. - INTERVIEWS
PROSPECT arranges for the shortlisted persons to meet with the Client. Once the candidate is selected, a thorough reference check is carried out. - FACILITATION
After the contender is selected PROSPECT plays a key role in ensuring that the concerns and expectations of both sides are communicated clearly, to facilitate an early closure of the inclusion process. - FOLLOW-UP
PROSPECT follows up with the candidates and the Client on a regular basis even after the appointment to ensure a continued relationship and for a deeper understanding towards the next Search. - COMMUNICATION
At every stage in the Search process, the Client is kept on-line on the status. In case of any difficulties that may arise, strategies are reviewed and if necessary, modified immediately.
What the clients receive at the end of a search
- Detailed Map of target companies and contenders.
- A note on Strategy.
- A detailed report highlighting the relevant particulars of the shortlisted candidates.
- Facilitation in the final hiring process.
- Feedback on the incumbent's first six months on the new job.